Nonna Rabinovich, MS
Research Data Analyst
Nonna Rabinovich is a Research Data Analyst in Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group Research Department (MAPRI). She joined MAPRI in 2016. Prior to that she worked at General Dynamic Information Technology. Nonna assists with the maintenance of the Research Data Warehouse (RDW), an integrated view of KPMAS’s data sourced from multiple systems and the Virtual Data Warehouse (VDW), a multi-site system with tables built to specifications from the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN). She also maintains Research Data for The Sentinel Project: a common SAS data mart built off of VDW tables. Nonna runs queries at the request of The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for post-marketing drug surveillance. Nonna tests and validates Teradata/SQL ETL and script modifications by IT and codes SQL script changes when there are required business/system changes. Likewise, she participates in the development of new content areas.
Nonna graduated from University in Belarus with a Master of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology.