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Cabell Jonas, PhD

Director, Research Programs

Research Scientist II


Dr. Cabell Jonas joined the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group in 2014. Dr. Jonas is a Research Scientist II and the Director of Research Programs within the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute (MAPRI). Dr. Jonas’s work is situated at the interface of research and clinical operations and is focused on implementing evidence-based regional clinical care programs to improve care in the areas of infectious disease (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), liver disease (hepatocellular carcinoma), genetics/genomics, and LGBTQ+ care. Dr. Jonas also serves as the regional operations lead for the KP Research Bank and supports physician researchers through the MAPMG Physician Research Scholars Program.

Dr. Jonas received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Virginia Tech, and her Ph.D. in Cellular & Molecular Biology from The University of Wisconsin-Madison.

  • Learn more about the KPMAS award-winning Hepatitis C program here:
  4. HCV Pathway implementation toolkit
  5. Learn more about our Hepatitis B program here:
  1. Feasibility and Assessment of a Cascade Traceback Screening Program (FACTS)
    National Cancer Institute
    Principal Investigators: Cabell Jonas, PhD, Alanna Rahm, PhD, Nora Henrikson, PhD
  2. Feasibility and Assessment of a Cascade Traceback Screening Program (FACTS) – Supplement: Reaching at-risk populations: Evaluating EHR tools and outreach to promote genetic counseling uptake
    Funder: National Cancer Institute
    Principal Investigator: Cabell Jonas, PhD
  3. Black and African American Connections to Parkinson’s Disease (BLAAC PD)
    Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s
    Principal Investigators: Ejaz Shamim, MD and Cabell Jonas, PhD
  4. Kaiser Permanente Precision Medicine Assessment and Response
    Goal: The KP Precision Medicine Assessment and Response project conducted physician and patient surveys to assess attitudes, knowledge and readiness for genetics and precision medicine.
    Funder: Garfield Memorial Fund
    Principal Investigator: Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD
    Site Principal Investigator: Cabell Jonas, PhD
  5. Kaiser Permanente & Strategic Partners Patient Outcomes Research To Advance Learning (PORTAL) Network
    Goal: PORTAL is a new network that brings together four leading healthcare delivery systems: Kaiser Permanente, Group Health Cooperative, HealthPartners, and Denver Health. The 11 research centers affiliated with these systems collaborate with patients, clinicians, and operational leaders to develop the infrastructure necessary to create a highly functioning clinical data research network.
    Funder: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
    Site Principal Investigator
    : Michael Horberg, MD
  6. Kaiser Permanente Research Bank
    The Kaiser Permanente (KP) Research Bank is a nationwide research bank that facilitates studies related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit, National Program Office
    Site Principal Investigator: Michael Horberg, MD
  7. PORTAL Network – Congenital Heart Defect Pilot Study
    To evaluate a natural language processing algorithm for identifying and classifying congenital heart defects. To field a patient survey in collaboration with the Adult Congenital Heart Association on clinical and research topics.
    Funder: PORTAL Network
    Principal Investigator: Alan S. Go, MD
    Site Principal Investigator: Cabell Jonas, PhD
  1. Romagnoli K, Kulchak Rahm A, Jonas C, Schwiter R, Klinger T, Ladd I, Salvati Z, DiNucci A, Blasi PR, Sheridan L, Scrol A, Henrikson N. Human-centered design study to inform traceback cascade genetic testing programs at three integrated health systems. Public Health Genomics. 2023 Mar 3. doi: 10.1159/000529852. PMID: 36871550.
  2. Horberg M, Eberhart L, Bhatia M,Jonas C, Cherico-Hsii S, Tamrat Y, Bhandari B, Kadlecik P, Gahunia MK. “Patient demographics and the utilization of a novel three anatomic site testing panel including rectal self-collection as compared to usual care testing.” Sex Transm Dis. 2021 Nov 22. PMID: 34813580.
  3. Jonas M.C., Rubenstein K, Watson E, Basra S, Horberg M. “A Comprehensive Coordinator Supported Hepatitis C Virus Testing and Linkage to Treatment Program at Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States.” Viruses. 2021;13(11):2140.
  4. DiNucci A, Henrikson B, Jonas M, Basra S, Blasi P, Brown J, Esplin E, Hassen D, Hao J, Hu Y, Klinger T, Ladd I, Leppig K, Lewis M, Meyer M, Ney S, Ramprasan A, Romagnoli K, Salvati Z, Scrol A, Schwiter R, Sheridan L, Somasundaram B, Suwannarat P, Wagner J, Rahm A. “Feasibility and Assessment of a Cascade Traceback Screening Program (FACTS): Protocol for a Multisite Study to Implement and Access an Ovarian Cancer Traceback Cascade Testing Program.” Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021;11(6):543.
  5. Finch A, Jonas C, Rubenstein, Watson E, Basra S, Martinez J, Horberg M. “Life Expectancy Trends Among Integrated Health Care System Enrollees, 2014–2017.” Perm J 12-14-2021; 25:20.286,
  6. Rodriguez-Watson C, Rubenstein KB, Jonas MC, Sun Y, Horberg M, Loftus B. Hepatitis C Care Pathway Associated With Increased Screening, Confirmation, and Diagnosis Communication to Patients. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Mar;19(3):607-609
  7. Burnett-Hartman A, Blum-Barnett E, Carroll N, Madrid S, Jonas C, Janes K, Alvarado M,  Bedoy R,  Paolino V, Aziz N,  McGlynn E. Return of research-related genetic test results and genetic discrimination concerns: facilitators and barriers of genetic research participation in diverse groups. Public Health Genomics. 2020;23:59-68.
  8. Carroll N, Blum-Barnett E, Madrid S, Jonas C, Janes K, Alvarado M, Bedoy R, Paolino V, Aziz N, McGlynn E, Burnett-Hartman A, “Demographic Differences in the Utilization of Clinical and Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing,” J Genet Couns. 2019
  9. Jonas MC, Loftus B, Horberg MA. The Road to Hepatitis C Virus Cure: Practical Considerations from a Health System’s Perspective. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2018 Jun;32(2):481-493.
  10. Jonas MC, Rodriguez CV, Redd J, Sloane DA, Winston BJ, Loftus BC. Streamlining Screening to Treatment: The Hepatitis C Cascade of Care at Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Feb 16.
    PubMed Abstract
  11.  Jonas C,  Suwannarat P,  Burnett-Hartman A,  Carroll N,  Turner M,  Janes K,  Truong C,  Blum-Barnett E,  Aziz N,  McGlynn E. “Physician Experience with Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing in Kaiser Permanente.” J Pers Med. 2019 Nov 1, 9(4), 47
  12. Pehar M, Jonas C, Hare T, Puglielli L. “SLC33A1/AT-1 protein regulates the induction of autophagy downstream of IRE1/XBP1 pathway.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012 Aug 24;287(35):29921-30.
  13. Jonas C, Pehar M, Puglielli L. “AT-1 is the ER-Membrane Acetyl-CoA Transporter and is Essential for Cell Viability.” Journal of Cell Science, Oct 1;123 (Pt 19):3378-88, 2010.
  14. Jonas C, Costantini C, Puglielli L. “PCSK9 is Required for the Disposal of Non-Acetylated Intermediates of the Nascent Membrane Protein BACE1.” EMBO Reports, Sep;9(9):916-22, 2008.
  15. Costantini C, Ko M, Jonas C, Puglielli L. “A Reversible Form of Lysine Acetylation in the ER and Golgi Lumen Controls the Molecular Stabilization of BACE1.” Biochemical Journal, 407(3): 383-395, 2007.
  1. Poster Presentation: Identifying patients at risk for breast/ovarian cancer within Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States – the evaluation of genetics referrals and testing from a FHS-7 best practice advisory alert. American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting; November 1-5, 2023; Washington, D.C.
  2. Oral Presentation: UGM238: Ovarian Cancer Traceback Genetic Testing in Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States, Geisinger Health System, and Kaiser Permanente Washington. EPIC User Group Meeting; August 21-23, 2023; Madison, Wisconsin.
  3. Poster Presentation: UGMPP01: Genetics Referrals from a Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer BPA. EPIC User Group Meeting; August 21-23, 2023; Madison, Wisconsin.
  4. Oral Presentation: Implementing Traceback Programs for Hereditary Cancer in Three Health Systems: Feasibility and Assessment of a Cascade Traceback Screening Program (FACTS). IMPAHC Conference, 2023
  5. Oral Presentation: Ovarian Cancer Traceback Genetic Testing in Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States, Geisinger Health System, and Kaiser Permanente Washington. EPIC User Group Meeting, 2023
  6. Poster Presentation:  BPA Success Story – Genetics Referrals from a Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancer FHS-7 Alert. EPIC User Group Meeting, 2023
  7. Poster Presentation: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hepatitis C Screening in Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States. Health Care Systems Research Network conference 2021.
  8. Oral Presentation: Cabell Jonas, PhD, explains the importance of screening for Hepatitis C, reviewing the screening process and sharing Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States’ success in screening specifically within the Baby Boomer population.  YouTube Link
  9. Oral Presentation: Dr. Cabell Jonas, researcher with the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Research Institute, discusses the institute’s research bank, a way that all Kaiser Permanente members can contribute to the future of health 2020.  YouTube Link
  10. Oral Presentation: Transforming Hepatitis B Care in Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States Through a Registry and Coordinator Supported Pathway. Health Care Systems Research Network conference 2019.
  11. Oral Presentation: Ongoing Community Engagement – Successes and Lessons Learned from the KP Research Bank’s Regional and National Community Advisory Boards and PORTAL’s Patient Engagement Council. Health Care Systems Research Network conference 2019.
  12. Poster Presentation: Awareness of and Referrals from Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing and Pharmacogenomic Testing:
    Results from the Kaiser Permanente Physician Survey on Genetics in Health Care, Research, and Precision Medicine.American College of Medical Genetics conference 2019. ACMG Link
  13. National Webinar: KP Learning Forum: Hepatitis C Care Pathway in KP Mid-Atlantic States – 2018 James A. Vohs Award Winner. KP Learning Forum (internal KP audiences only): Webinar
  14. Oral Presentation: 2018 Vohs Award Winner | The Hepatitis C Care Cascade: Increasing Comprehensive Screening and Diagnosis, Kaiser Permanente National Quality Conference, 2019.
    KP Proud
  15. Poster Presentation: Development of a Physician Survey on Genetics in Health Care, Research, and Precision Medicine within Kaiser Permanente. Health Care Systems Research Network conference 2018.
  16. Poster Presentation: Hepatitis C Cascade of Care at KP Mid-Atlantic States: The Laboratory Perspective. Health Care Systems Research Network conference 2018.
  17. Oral Presentation: Hepatitis Track: Hepatitis Care Pathway – Aiming for Universal HIV and HCV Testing at KP
    National HIV, Hepatitis & STD Conference 2017
  18. Oral Presentation: Streamlining Screening to Treatment: The HCV Care Cascade. Kaiser Permanente National Quality Conference 2017.
  19. Oral Presentation: Streamlined Hepatitis C Diagnosis and Treatment. EPIC Expert Group Meeting. 2016.

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