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Carla V. Rodriguez, PhD, MPH

Carla Rodriguez

Research Scientist



PhD, University of Washington School of Public Health & Community Medicine, Seattle, WA 2011
MPH, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 1998

Professional Afflilations

Society for Epidemiologic Research
International Society for Disease Surveillance

Dr. Carla V. Rodriguez received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine and her MPH from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. Her research focus has been in infectious disease surveillance, including over 11 years at the health departments of New York City, San Francisco and Seattle-King County. Over the last two years, Dr. Rodriguez served as a statistician at the University of Washington’s Center for AIDS Research, focusing on the use of novel analytical methods, including spatial, hierarchical/longitudinal, time-series/forecasting, survival, and missing data analysis, case-cohort designs, competing-risks, marginal structural models and test accuracy.

Dr. Rodriguez is excited to join the MAPRI team and engage in Hepatitis, HIV, Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research that will improve surveillance and patient care.

Research Interests

Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, influenza, surveillance, epidemiology, predictive and multi-stream modeling, comparative effectiveness.

  1. Duran D, Rodriguez C, Drozd D, Nance R, Delaney JAC, Burkholder G, Mugavero MJ, Willig JH, Warriner A, Crane P, Atkinson B, Harrington R, Dhanireddy S, Saag MS, Kitahata M, Crane H. Fructosamine and Hemoglobin A1c correlations in HIV-infected adults in routine clinical care: impact of anemia and albumin levels. AIDS Research and Treatment, Vol 2015 (2015).
    PubMed Abstract
  2. Rodriguez CV, Horberg MA, HIV Testing, Staging and Evaluation. Infect Dis Clin N Am, Vol 28 (2014):339-353.
    PubMed Abstract
  3. Kim HN, Rodriguez CV, Van Rompaey S, Eron JJ, Thio CL, Crane HM, Overton ET, Saag MS, Martin J, Geng E, Mugavero M, Rodriguez B, Mathews WC, Boswell S, Moore R, MM K. Factors associated with delayed hepatitis B viral suppression on tenofovir among HBV-HIV coinfected patients in the CNICS cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 (Epub ahead of print).
    PubMed abstract
  4. Crane HM, Heckbert SR, Drozd DR, Budoff MJ, Delaney JA, Rodriguez C, Paramsothy P, Lober WB, Burkholder G, Willig JH, Mugavero MJ, Mathews WC, Crane PK, Moore RD, Napravnik S, Eron JJ, Hunt P, Geng E, Hsue P, Barnes GS, McReynolds J, Peter I, Grunfeld C, Saag MS, Kitahata MM. Lessons learned from the design and implementation of myocardial infarction adjudication tailored for HIV clinical cohorts. Am J Epidemiol. Apr 15 2014;179(8):996-1005.
    PubMed abstract
  5. Baer A, Rodriguez CV, Duchin JS. An automated system for public health surveillance of school absenteeism. J Public Health Manag Pract. Jan-Feb 2011;17(1):59-64.
    PubMed abstract
  6. Rodriguez CV, Rietberg K, Baer A, Kwan-Gett T, Duchin J. Association between school closure and subsequent absenteeism during a seasonal influenza epidemic. Epidemiology. Nov 2009;20(6):787-792.
    PubMed abstract
  7. Marx MA, Rodriguez CV, Greenko J, Das D, Heffernan R, Karpati AM, Mostashari F, Balter S, Layton M, Weiss D. Diarrheal illness detected through syndromic surveillance after a massive power outage: New York City, August 2003. Am J Public Health. Mar 2006;96(3):547-553.
    PubMed abstract
  8. Heffernan R, Mostashari F, Das D, Besculides M, Rodriguez C, Greenko J, Steiner-Sichel L, Balter S, Karpati A, Thomas P, Phillips M, Ackelsberg J, Lee E, Leng J, Hartman J, Metzger K, Rosselli R, Weiss D. New York City syndromic surveillance systems. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Sep 24 2004;53 Suppl:23-27.
    PubMed abstract
  1. Development of an Immunization Registry
    Goal: The objective of the Immunization Registry is to support internal, inter-regional and external research related to vaccine surveillance, safety and effectiveness.
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program
    Principal Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  2. Development of Cirrhosis Registry
    The objective of the Cirrhosis Registry is to support internal, inter-regional and external research related to risk factors for cirrhosis and patient outcomes.
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program
    Principal Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  3. Development of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and End-Stage Renal Disease Registry
    Goal: The objective of this project is to support internal, inter-regional and external research related CKD and ESRD.
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program
    Principal Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  4. Factors associated with Hepatitis C treatment and response in a large integrated health care system
    The objective of this project is to describe the demographic and clinical history of patients with active hepatitis C virus (HCV) within an integrated care system and the factors associated with HCV prescription and treatment. Among those treated, we will further describe time to undetectable viral load and time to sustained virologic response (SVR).
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program
    Principal Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  5. Frequency of Screening for HCV Infection in a Large U.S. Health Insurance Network
    Funder: NIH
    Co-Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  6. KPMAS Liver Registry
    The goal of this project is to more fully develop the Hepatitis B and C registries to support internal, inter-regional and external research related to surveillance, treatment safety and effectiveness, comorbid conditions and patient outcomes.
    Funder: Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Program
    Co-Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
  7. The Impact of HCV Infection on Health Care Utilization and Outcomes Among CKD Patients
    The objective of this study is to characterize incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease in patients with and without HCV in the Kaiser Permanente Southern California and Mid-Atlantic health plans; and to describe their health care utilization and risk for adverse outcomes.
    Funder: Merck
    Site Principal Investigator: Carla V. Rodriguez
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